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Have you lost or found an item in Malta? Maybe you have lost a phone or passport? Talk to people in Malta to see if we can help!
Broadband Internet, Wifi, Phone and TV in Malta
Discuss broadband internet, Wifi, phone and TV in Malta. Topics ranging from ADSL, ISPs, broadband speed tests and checkers, cheap broadband and phone deals, choices and comparison, fibre broadband, superfast satellite broadband and more.
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Recommended Tradesmen and Companies in Malta
Find out which tradesman and companies people in Malta are recommending. Find recommended builders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more in Malta.
Animals and pets in Malta
Looking for advice, hints and tips for animals and pets in Malta? Share advice with other residents in Malta to keep your pets happy and healthy.
Malta Forum statistics
All members in Malta: 409
All topics in Malta: 156
All posts in Malta: 188
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